StageVideo as VideoTexture?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Lucid, Member
Posted: 08 May 2012 01:48 PM   Total Posts: 93

Is there a way to use an instance of StageVideo as a video texture? (keeping the actual StageVideo instance invisible)

By the way:

• What is the status of MovieMaterial and so forth?
• When is the final 4.0 release of Away3D expected to be available?



Karim Beyrouti, Administrator
Posted: 08 May 2012 08:19 PM   Total Posts: 30   [ # 1 ]

Sadly not - you cannot draw StageVideo to a bitmap, or have it work with Stage3D ( as far as I know ) . I remember Adobe saying they were looking into it, so… who knows what will be in FP 12 ? ....



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