Weld problem

Software: Away3D 4.x

fermmm, Newbie
Posted: 07 May 2012 10:11 AM   Total Posts: 7

I’m a nooob with 3D, I need to smooth the faces of a low poli model with something similar to smoothing groups of 3Dmax. I can’t use smoothing groups and apply them to the model file because I’m working with a MD5 format, MD5 doesn’t support smoothing groups.
So I need to use the Weld class, I read that class will do that to my model.
But I have the following problem with Weld:

This line:
Weld.apply(myMesh); //A Mesh object

Returns this error:
[Fault] exception, information=RangeError: Error #1125: El índice 9846 está fuera del rango 1.

I have a spanish version of the flex framework, what it says is that some Vector or Array requested index is out of range.
This error is inside the Weld class.

What I’m doing wrong?



ASWC, Member
Posted: 07 May 2012 10:43 AM   Total Posts: 76   [ # 1 ]

Looks like a Vector error for a Vector instantiated with length 1 and that is passed indexes bigger than 1.


fermmm, Newbie
Posted: 07 May 2012 10:49 AM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 2 ]

Yes but the error is inside an Away3D class, It’s not a Vector made by me, so maybe Weld is expecting a different kind of object and that is why fails.


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 07 May 2012 02:25 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 3 ]

Do you use the latest version of the engine? If yes, please send me offline your mesh so I can reproduce.


fermmm, Newbie
Posted: 07 May 2012 02:59 PM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 4 ]

I sent you an email from your profile.



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