I have a handheld casing as 3ds model with front, back, display, keyboardmembrane and Top Cover, Bottom Cover.
My idea is to put mouseOver and mouseOut for each of those meshes.
But I get an error Null Object showing me the following file section
public function get collisionUV():Point {
if( !_collisionExists ) return null;
var indices:Vector.<uint> = _collidingRenderable.indexData;
var uvs:Vector.<Number> = _collidingRenderable.UVData;
var index:uint = _collisionTriangleIndex;
var v:Number = _kernelOutputBuffer[ index + 1 ]; // barycentric coord 1
var w:Number = _kernelOutputBuffer[ index + 2 ]; // barycentric coord 2
var u:Number = 1.0 - v - w;
var uvIndex:uint = indices[ index ] * 2;
var uv0:Vector3D = new Vector3D( uvs[ uvIndex ], uvs[ uvIndex + 1 ] );
uvIndex = indices[ index ] * 2;
var uv1:Vector3D = new Vector3D( uvs[ uvIndex ], uvs[ uvIndex + 1 ] );
uvIndex = indices[ index ] * 2;
var uv2:Vector3D = new Vector3D( uvs[ uvIndex ], uvs[ uvIndex + 1 ] );
_collisionUV.x = u * uv0.x + v * uv1.x + w * uv2.x;
_collisionUV.y = u * uv0.y + v * uv1.y + w * uv2.y;
return _collisionUV;
Any idea, how to put different meshes to one model and having the possibility to have mouseOver and mouseOut for each of those meshes?