MouseEvent3d from inside a mesh (panorama)

Software: Away3D 4.x

jurito, Newbie
Posted: 21 April 2012 11:27 AM   Total Posts: 2

I’m working on a spherical panorama and i’d need the sphere to trigger

If i move the camera outside the sphere the event triggers fine, but when i move it inside it just doesn’t work anymore.

I tried both with the sphere scaled to -1 or by setting the material.bothSides to true but no luck. :\

Is there a way to fix it?

If not, can anyone suggest an alternative approach for a spherical panorama with clickable areas?


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 21 April 2012 11:57 AM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 1 ]

mesh.scaleZ *= -1;




D.M., Newbie
Posted: 23 April 2012 09:31 PM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 2 ]

I have the same problem i think…

I need to handle mouse 3d events when cursor is out of 3d-objects.
In old away3d version i resolve this issue by adding skybox on scene. In this case, when cursor is out of object, i handle events from skybox.

In away3d 4 even if i add skybox, events don’t fires events. As i think, mouse 3d events works fine even if i placed camera outside of object. If i move camera inside object it doesn’t work, am i right?

I understand that it’s not good solutions but i don’t find another solutions to solve this problem.

Anyone can help me to resolve this problem or advise better solutions?



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