TouchEvent on iOS not working… this is the reason… please fix it!

Software: Away3D 4.x

theforce, Newbie
Posted: 26 March 2012 01:25 PM   Total Posts: 3

Hi there,

we are currently working on an iPad Flash project and are in need of the MouseEvent3D. But unfortunately we had to recognize that it’s just not working in any way. We made some debugging and came to the clue that there has to be an error or wrong calculation concerning the PixelBender class which is included in the /pb directory:

when opening the file, you can see the comment saying that the class “Evaluates collisions between a ray and a potentially large set of triangles.”
in other words:
it detects whether you touched an Away3D-Object or not.

The sad thing about it… we don’t have any experience with PixelBender and also don’t have the knowledge of all the mathematics to debug this file. So if anybody could fix it or tell us, what is wrong with the calculation on iOS please give us any clue!

It’s really substantial because if this doesn’t work, then every away3d-interaction via touch on iOS is just not possible!! Everywhere else it just works fine.

@Away3D Team:
please have a look at it soon…. would be really great to hear from you!



Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 26 March 2012 01:33 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

What is exactly not working? You mean no event is fired because there is no hit if you press anywhere but on an object? Or you have set an event mouseEvent3D on an object and it’s not fired?

I have done some tests last week, and they were working. I should come back to mobile dev this week, so I’ll test them again and get back to you…


theforce, Newbie
Posted: 26 March 2012 01:55 PM   Total Posts: 3   [ # 2 ]


I set an event on an object and it won’t get fired.
We debugged it and came to the “TriangleCollider” class:

override public function updateRayposition:Vector3Ddirection:Vector3D ):void {
try {
for (var i:* in{
var x:* =[i];
trace("found value");
.data.rayStartPoint.value [ position.xposition.yposition.z ]; [ direction.xdirection.ydirection.z ];
catch (e:*) {
("TriangleCollider.updateRay error");
.updateRaypositiondirection );

in debug-mode on our iPad2 it always throws an error when executing this line: = ...

we added the for-loop to see if “data” has any values, but it never shows up, so it seems that the _rayTriangleKernel doesn’t have any data when there is an event fired on iOS.
Not sure if this is true, but we couldn’t get any further because the variable can’t be inspected.




theforce, Newbie
Posted: 04 April 2012 10:21 AM   Total Posts: 3   [ # 3 ]

Hello Fabrice,

did you already fix the problem? We are very interested in a solution to this. Would be great if you could upload it to GIT as soon as possible.  smile

Thanks in advance!


jeffrey9700, Newbie
Posted: 04 April 2012 03:55 PM   Total Posts: 14   [ # 4 ]
theforce - 04 April 2012 10:21 AM

Hello Fabrice,

did you already fix the problem? We are very interested in a solution to this. Would be great if you could upload it to GIT as soon as possible.  smile

Thanks in advance!



artpluscode, Newbie
Posted: 04 April 2012 06:23 PM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 5 ]




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