VideoTexture Data Access

Software: Away3D 4.x

Lucid, Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 12:04 PM   Total Posts: 93

When using the current VideoTexture class in Away3D 4, is there a way to access & monitor the following:

1. State Changes: buffering, connectionError, etc
2. Progress Events: bytesLoaded, bytesTotal, etc
3. Time Data: playheadTime, totalTime

Also, is there a way to add an event listener to a VideoTexture so, for example, an action would only take place when the video has reached a ‘ready’ state. (such as creating a mesh only when the video has loaded enough content).

Here are a few other current issues I’m seeing with VideoTexture:

a. The current VideoTexture doesn’t loop properly. It often loops several times then, eventually, stop visually updating on the screen (despite hearing the sound)

b. When the VideoTexture autoPlay boolean is set to false, the first frame of the video should, at least, show itself (instead of just being white)

c. Online (progressive) video files do not appear to fully load into the application. The VideoTexture class seems to only load in a few seconds of content (not progressively load the entire video file). And, as there is no access to either the bytesLoaded or bytesTotal of a video file, we cannot accurately evaluate how much of the video has actually loaded.


Lucid, Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 08:38 PM   Total Posts: 93   [ # 1 ]

< keep this topic alive! >


Lucid, Member
Posted: 03 April 2012 10:27 AM   Total Posts: 93   [ # 2 ]

d. If the VideoTexture autoPlay value is set to false, the first frame is supposed to show - as indicated by the notes written in the VideoTexture class:

* Indicates whether the video will start playing on initialization.
* If false, only the first frame is displayed.

This, however, does not occur and the mesh is simply white. At least using the .mov files we’ve tested.


Lucid, Member
Posted: 03 April 2012 11:36 AM   Total Posts: 93   [ # 3 ]

Yeah, I’ve been looking at the VideoTexture and files and these classes really need a serious re-architecting. Amongst other things, the ENTIRE video has to RELOAD (from scratch) once the playhead reaches the end! Not cool.



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