Away3d for RTS game?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Peter Cheung, Newbie
Posted: 01 April 2012 06:36 PM   Total Posts: 5

Dear All
  I am choosing a 3D engine for game programming, so far i am think about ogre3D vs away3d for my RTS game project. I have a few questions:

1) Can I made commercial game with away3d? any licensing problem?
2) In ogre3d, it got some plugin to make ocean, sky and fire effect. How can I do it in away3d?
3) does away3d always us GPU acceleration? any performance issue of away3d?

thanks a lot
from Peter (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address))


Ringo Blanken, Administrator
Posted: 01 April 2012 08:14 PM   Total Posts: 120   [ # 1 ]


I’ll try to answer your questions:

>>1) Can I made commercial game with away3d? any licensing problem?

Yes you can make a commercial game.
It’s released under the Apache 2 open source license.

>>2) In ogre3d, it got some plugin to make ocean, sky and fire effect. How can I do it in away3d?

You can use a skybox and there’s particle system you can plugin, and there’s some stuff for water (see example demo’s @ github) but it’s prob. not so advanced as you are used to. You can still make all you like yourself or with others.

>>3) does away3d always us GPU acceleration? any performance issue of away3d?
In general it tries to run as much as it can on GPU. Performance really depends on what/how you are doing stuff.
For example say you make 2000 static buildings as seperate objects, that will run very slow. But if you would use the merge function it will be very fast since it then can batch and you get less drawcalls.

My advise is to start with getting the examples running and learn a bit from it. Then go step for step.

Good luck smile
Freelancer Away3D




Peter Cheung, Newbie
Posted: 02 April 2012 02:28 AM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 2 ]

Hi All, I was searching around the internet last night. It looks like Alternativa3D is a more complete solution, it got physics engine. But don’t know it can create sky/water or not.

Still very confusing of choosing flash 3d engine!

thanks for reply


charlito, Jr. Member
Posted: 02 April 2012 08:56 AM   Total Posts: 36   [ # 3 ]

hi.. im very new at this.. but i also saw a few alternatives options of 3d engines..

its defenitly a lot simpler alternative..  but there is one even better:
its flare 3d.

the second its a paid, not cheap software.
the first one.. it has a tricky licence..  yes.. u can use it almost as an open source.. but u most allways include a link or somethink like a link in order to be legal…

its like saying.. yea yea you can use my software as long as u tell everyone else who did it.. (and ist a feature u cant avoid, not even paying)

but..  away3d is an truly open source proyect..  u download all the clases and files, rdy for u to use them as u want..

and once u pass the basics learning curve.. its a really cool framework; im still learing, but now its really easy for me to do some cool animations.. rdy for ipod, web, android.. etc.  ‘couse its a flash file after all..

besides.. if u wanna learn.. i can give u the basic code for u to start creating ur proyect.

hope i was helpfull.. i least i tryed.. 



John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 02 April 2012 09:41 AM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 4 ]

Actually, Alternativa is now open source and no link is needed.
And flare being ‘better’ would be your opinion wink


Ringo Blanken, Administrator
Posted: 02 April 2012 03:03 PM   Total Posts: 120   [ # 5 ]

@Peter Cheung: Away3D got a physics engine called Away Physics
(see and examples at )

I suggest you try a few engines and then start building with Away3D wink

Good luck,





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