Pivot Point?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Lucid, Member
Posted: 23 March 2012 01:15 PM   Total Posts: 93

I have created a mesh (sphere) at position 0,0,2000. I have then set its pivotPoint to 0,0,-2000. Yet, when I rotate the mesh around its Y axis (mesh.rotationY) it still rotates around its center (0,0,0)



maddog, Sr. Member
Posted: 23 March 2012 02:18 PM   Total Posts: 118   [ # 1 ]

This is a long standing problem. Someone mentioned this thread for a work around. forum/viewthread/1680/


Lucid, Member
Posted: 23 March 2012 04:37 PM   Total Posts: 93   [ # 2 ]

I’ve been reading other, related posts discussing this issue and it does seem that pivot points aren’t properly supported yet. Sad.

I suppose the next best thing would be to incorporate the mesh into an ObjectContainer3D and use this as a rudimentary pivot point.



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