Away3d 4 Docs

Software: Away3D 4.x

frank_a, Newbie
Posted: 15 March 2012 02:01 PM   Total Posts: 5


I’m currently in the process of selecting a Stage3D framework. Right now I’m learning towards Away3D 4 but I can’t seem to find any documentation.

Does this exist online anywhere?


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 15 March 2012 02:35 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

I see there is a mistake on site documentation page.

url is

update: Link at has been fixed.


charlito, Jr. Member
Posted: 15 March 2012 03:08 PM   Total Posts: 36   [ # 2 ]

Hi dude..
i was just like u 3 days ago.. i tryed a few 3d motors for flash.. and after a while i decided to stay with away3d, although it lacks good tutorials for begginers..  u cand find a lot of helpull people here..

the basic code to star with away3d is:

public class away3dBasico_v001 extends Sprite
//simple loading material
private static const metal  : Class;

//the stage where u will render all your objects
public var view :View3D = new View3D();

// create a basicprimitive (radius of 300)
public var otrabola:SphereGeometry = new SphereGeometry(300);
//create a the mesh for the objet u wanna render
public var mesh2:Mesh;
  public function 
// add to the stage the 3d scene u wanna render
//this is the class u use to link ur texture with ur objec    
var texture_sphere:BitmapTexture = new BitmapTexture(new metal().bitmapData);
//u cannot add a bitmat texture to mesh
 //u most use a textureMaterial
var material_sphere:TextureMaterial = new TextureMaterial(texture_sphere);
//create a mesh with the caracteristics of ur primitive and
 // then use ur texturematerial
mesh2 = new Mesh(otrabolamaterial_sphere);

//add this mesh to the 3dscene
//self explanatory
public function loop(e:Event):void
//just rotate a little bit in the Y axis
//to show whatever u add into the scene

i think this is how a basic tutorial should look like.. instead of the basic 200 lines examples, wich i hardly can follow…

good luck.. 
remember to help other as other are trying to help u..

(forgive my lame english XD)


dubletar, Member
Posted: 21 March 2012 02:22 PM   Total Posts: 73   [ # 3 ]

Thank you Charlito!

Im also very new to Away3D… and I am having the MOST DIFFICULT TIME finding ‘updated’ tutorials on Away3D. Im so surprised at the lack of tutorials. One of the fastest things that expands the adoption of an engine is easy to understand documentation…

Thank you for this.


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 21 March 2012 03:22 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 4 ]

We know this, but we cannot spend time on an updated doc/tuts/examples that might become obsolete in just a few days. It is simply too much maintenance and we do not have the resources.

We need first to rich final 4.0 state. Then we’ll add gradually examples and in depth tutorials.

Note that we’ve added a few examples on git. just posted new 4.0 beta tutorials. There are tons of usefull examples/tips posted on this very forum as well…


dubletar, Member
Posted: 21 March 2012 03:39 PM   Total Posts: 73   [ # 5 ]


I’d gladly make tutorials, examples, etc on my website once I understand how Away3D Operates.

My friend and I are still working on The 2.D version of it is

I fully intend on hosting an Away3D community of developers so that everyone can share, learn, teach etc.

Ill continue to scour the forums/internet for updated 4.Beta examples/posts downer


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 21 March 2012 03:47 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 6 ]

Please do so! And when you have some, just drop us a line, so we add your urls to tutorials page on


DinkMcDinkleman, Newbie
Posted: 21 March 2012 04:57 PM   Total Posts: 30   [ # 7 ]

There are three things helping me get to learn Away3D -

a) The example code - set small goals and alter the examples accordingly.  i.e., I want to learn how the camera works.

b) Google - hear me out, not trying to be a jerk - some Away3D 3.6 code is still similar so older examples may shed some light on things.  Don’t get me wrong things have changed but this may help.  And there are some newer examples out there as well.

c) Being as specific as possible on posts - if I’m too general or abstract with a post I don’t get a response.  Sometimes I have to clarify before I do.  A Forum can be a difficult place to express high-level concepts.  BUT - the more specific and clear I am, the higher the chance I’ll get a reply.  This is largely due to the fact that everyone here is in the same boat.  And I guess that’s my point really - I encourage you to keep at it, you’ll find what you need.  I was frustrated at first too, but I feel like I’m making progress.



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