Range Error on submesh replacement (avatar customization)

Software: Away3D 4.x

diego, Newbie
Posted: 20 March 2012 03:43 AM   Total Posts: 10

Hi Everybody
i’ve a few mesh files
the first one contains the character itself and a few submeshes that is used as a substitute for other mesh files
basically once loaded the mesh will be replaced by another mesh file depending on its submesh id
the problem is, everytime the mesh is being called to replace i keep getting rangeerror. i’ve tried setting the min weight to 0.01 and remove all zero weights but still without a good outcome. the weird thing is when all the meshes are loaded at once, it works.

this is the way i replace the submeshes

baseMesh.subMeshes[subMeshId].subGeometry = partMesh.subMeshes[0].subGeometry;

im using MD5 file format and der_ton’s md5 exporter , , i have attached the main md5mesh and one of the submesh files .


File Attachments
female_skin_sub_skin_01.md5mesh  (File Size: 610KB - Downloads: 0)

diego, Newbie
Posted: 20 March 2012 03:45 AM   Total Posts: 10   [ # 1 ]

here is the hair submesh md5 file


File Attachments
female_head_sub_hair_01.md5mesh  (File Size: 417KB - Downloads: 0)


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