error #1027 cant create a simple esphere…

Software: Away3D 4.x

charlito, Jr. Member
Posted: 13 March 2012 12:56 PM   Total Posts: 36

Hi everyone..  wonder if anyone can help me.. i would really apreciate your help.

I cant create a simple sphere render.. im using adobe flex builder & flash sc5

In flex it give me this error

TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at away3d.core.raycast.colliders::TriangleCollider()[C:\.....\pruebaAway3d\src\away3d\core\raycast\colliders\]

Flash give me this error:
..\,Line 15 unable to resolve ‘/../pb/RayTriangleKernel.pbj’ for transcoding

And a few more errors like this..  althought as you can see in my attached code, im not using any raycast classes..

It seams to me like, there are some errors in the clases..

I dont know..

Hope to hear from you guys soon.

Atte: Arturo.



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Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 13 March 2012 02:26 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

You probably need to target the right sdk and the right player version.


charlito, Jr. Member
Posted: 13 March 2012 03:55 PM   Total Posts: 36   [ # 2 ]

Hi.. thx a lot for your advice.. but i tryed changing the flash player (tryed all available) in flash sc5 and didnt work

in flex i tryed the few skd it has and didnt work eather…
it got me lots of errors with previous version.

i have sdk flex 4.6.0
flash player 11.1.0

still the errors are:

unable to resolve ‘/../pb/RayTriangleKernel.pbj’ for transcoding
unable to transcode ‘/../pb/RayTriangleKernel.pbj’.
(this is into the file

it shows me the error is this line:

[Embed(”/../pb/RayTriangleKernel.pbj”, mimeType=“application/octet-stream”)]

i have the feeling that my code is correct.. i just tryied some papervision scrips and it work really good..  is there a place where i can re download this file??

i have the weird feeling i have to format my computer, reinstall everything and then.. it will work out…


thx alot


charlito, Jr. Member
Posted: 14 March 2012 03:20 AM   Total Posts: 36   [ # 3 ]

well i find out how to solve this problem.. i went to my project manager, and then.. erease all the project, erase all the files, and then got myself another 3d flash framework, (starling)


thx a lot..

see ya soon


Puggy, Newbie
Posted: 15 March 2012 06:17 PM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 4 ]

I just had this same issue but I managed to fix it. The compiler couldn’t find a pbj file that the TriangleCollider was embedding because I had missed a folder when copying the Away3D source into my project.

I had followed this youtube video to set up my examples project: but the pb folder must have been added to the source after that video was made so he doesn’t show where to put it.

You need to make sure you copy the pb directory from the source download into the root of your project and not just the folders inside the src directory.


sergii, Newbie
Posted: 27 May 2012 02:52 PM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 5 ]

I’ve downloaded away, awayphysics & awayexamples, but there is no RayTriangleKernel.pbj in folders.
Where can i find it? Thanks.



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