Newbie Need Help !

Software: Away3D 3.x

AboradyFlasher, Newbie
Posted: 11 March 2012 03:06 PM   Total Posts: 1

Hey Everybody ,

i’m a flash developer I’ve good experience with flash as3 and flash builder
but i’m really new to Flash 3D open source development , i had little experience with Papervision 3D about 2 years ago but i didn’t go so far with it. recently i read about away3D and its high capabilities and i really interested learning it so I’ve some questions and i’ll appreciate your help answering some of it ..

1- i found couple of books in DOCS & REFERENCE section on the site i got 3 of’em Away3D 3.6 Cookbook , Away3D 3.6 Essentials and The Essential Guide to 3D in Flash as PDFs so , which one you recommend to start learning from so i can print it and start training ?

2- is there any video tutorial like Lynda essentials for Away3D ?

3- I’ve downloaded Away3D 4 beta and i had some problems with it , i couldn’t find the familiar Primitives and class in it such as SPHERE primitive just something called SphereGeomatery but i’m sure there’s something i cant get so i got 3.6 version and it’s quite convince for me and i started to build simple objects and animate’em.. so can anybody tell me how can i start with Away3D 0.4 beta version ?

4- I’ve quite good experience with Cinema 4D and its one of things that made me interested in Flash3D developing and the most thing i like in it is Dynamics and physics , so how can i perform dynamic stuff with Away3D libs .. what library i’ve to get to do stuff like Rigidbodies and Collieder objects ?

thanks and i’ll appreciate being helpful for me
and at last i wanna express my admiration of the community and the site


John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 11 March 2012 04:24 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 1 ]

Bit of confusion on which version you want to learn.
3.6 is a lot different from 4.0 beta. To the point that the books for 3.6 are useless for 4.
So erm no books.

look at the examples in git rep //these may need changing were for alpha
and this forum.

No no Lynda stuff.

var mySphereGeom:SphereGeometry = new SphereGeometry(100);
var myMaterial:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0x00ff00);
var mySphereMesh:Mesh = new Mesh(mySphereGeom, myMaterial);

The great minds at adobe disabled alchemy in fp11.2, everyones waiting for alchemy2 and the rest.
Look at the forum physics section. “Warning on FlashPlayer 11.2”

Cinema 4D no idea I dont use it.
Theres exporters for maya and blender for the awd format.
Should be an exporter called Prefab2 soon for converting to away formats from other 3d apps.

ps titles like newbie needs help never really helps anyone searching wink



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