Get Movieclips inside loaded swf

Software: Away3D 4.x

Roland, Newbie
Posted: 07 March 2012 08:21 PM   Total Posts: 9

Im making a away3d project in flash builder 4.6. I’m trying to import a swf and use the movieclips inside this swf to use like a control for my 3d animation.
Ive tried urlRequest but it doesnt import nothing. I imported as a Sprite and have it on my screen, but I cant reach the Mcs. If I use (mySprite as Object).internalMovieclip, I can only use this one time, after this it bugs again.
There is a good way to import a external swf and use its mcs on a flash builder project?

thanks in advance.


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 08 March 2012 07:01 AM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 1 ]

The right way to do this generally is to make a swc in Flash.

There is an option in your publish settings called “Export SWC”.
You can then add your swc to your Flex project, and use your MC’s like any other class. Remember in Flash to check “Export for Actionscript” and name your MC’s.

Good Luck!


bardo, Member
Posted: 08 March 2012 12:01 PM   Total Posts: 79   [ # 2 ]

Don’t think he want to embed the movies , but to load than access sub - mc .

Have u tried :
1 . Not cast it as sprite : they are MC’s. Use MovieClip(loader.content)

2 . myMc:MovieClip =  MovieClip(loader.content)[‘my_mc_name’]



Roland, Newbie
Posted: 09 March 2012 01:34 PM   Total Posts: 9   [ # 3 ]

Thanks for your answers, but still no sucess. Would be great to have a example of how to import swf as movieclip to away3d in flash builder.

best regards.

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