md5 tutorial for 3ds max?

Software: Away3D 4.x

venom, Newbie
Posted: 01 December 2011 06:57 PM   Total Posts: 26

hi everyone?

i really wonder if there ise a tutorial about exporting md5 in 3dsmax? i couldn’t find a well explained tutorial. they all just say that they managed to export but they don’t say how :( i really need to learn to export with skeleton of course. i’m currently using max 2010 and there are some exporters or scripts written for 3dsmax but when i try them, they always crash or give error messeges :( so can anyone help me? or show me a way, path to manage to export md5? i really want to make my own character


YG, Newbie
Posted: 02 December 2011 12:04 AM   Total Posts: 18   [ # 1 ]


follow this for modeling for md5:

now the best exporter i know that work if you follow the tutorial above:



venom, Newbie
Posted: 02 December 2011 12:09 PM   Total Posts: 26   [ # 2 ]

smile thanks a lot man you saved my day smile i will try this tutorial and inform you about smile


mike_kennedy, Newbie
Posted: 05 March 2012 10:04 PM   Total Posts: 6   [ # 3 ]

Having issues with this myself, I can export cameras, cut scenes and animations but skinned meshes through a script error for a missing class of some sort.
This is with the Md5 MZP script.

Anyone having any luck going from Max into Away3d v4? its beta I know..but so far we are having no luck getting any animations into it. Only meshes exported via 3ds format has worked so far,
have tried the Blender and Maya python scripts, the Open Collada via prefab and the Md5 scripts for max.
Nothing works, the Maya and Blender scripts throw errors.
Mike K


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 06 March 2012 09:27 AM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 4 ]

You may have seen this?

This was made some time ago, so Away3D may have changed, but the MAX/MD5 part should be the same.

Good Luck!

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