Get VideoTexture States / Attributes ?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Lucid, Member
Posted: 02 March 2012 01:01 PM   Total Posts: 93

How do we listen for the VideoTexture states, such as buffering, complete, ready and so forth? Not to mention video TotalTime (duration), etc.


bardo, Member
Posted: 02 March 2012 03:22 PM   Total Posts: 79   [ # 1 ]

did u get video texture to works? i cant .... i post my code :

var mat:VideoTexture = new VideoTexture(‘assets/file.flv’, 1024, 512, true, true);
  mat.autoUpdate = true;
  //var mat_c:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0xFF00FF);
  //mat.bothSides = true;
  //var mat:VideoMaterial = new VideoMaterial(“assets/blive.flv”, 960, true, true);
  var sp:PlaneGeometry = new PlaneGeometry(1024, 512);
  var mp:Mesh = new Mesh(sp);
  mp.rotationY = 180;
  mp.material = new TextureMaterial(mat);;
  //mp.material.bothSides = true;

am i missing something?


bardo, Member
Posted: 02 March 2012 03:38 PM   Total Posts: 79   [ # 2 ]

solved .... have to get used to planes initial rotations , i guess


parele, Jr. Member
Posted: 21 August 2012 07:15 AM   Total Posts: 43   [ # 3 ]
Lucid - 02 March 2012 01:01 PM

How do we listen for the VideoTexture states, such as buffering, complete, ready and so forth? Not to mention video TotalTime (duration), etc.

I have been searching for days with no answer,, i need this too.

‹‹ a couple of question


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