Using VideoTexture on the iPad2

Software: Away3D 4.x

ultravisual, Newbie
Posted: 29 February 2012 09:49 PM   Total Posts: 2


Is this supported with stage3D on mobile? Currently all I get is a black screen using a sky sphere with a videoTexture - an mp4 file…?




ultravisual, Newbie
Posted: 02 March 2012 12:02 AM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 1 ]

All sorted - it would appear I had neglected to set my -swf-version to 15…

thanks everyone for your help wink


Lucas Rovaris, Newbie
Posted: 22 November 2012 01:29 PM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 2 ]

Hello everyone, im working on a project that needs 5 videos to be played on a carrousell, the first thing i’ve noticed is that on my pc, where i debbug my project, everything runs smooth, but when it comes to uploading the generate ipa do the ipad 2 and 3 the performance gets really slow, the thing is, i have 2 kinds of video, one for ipad 2 where, its bounds are 480x328 @12.5fps, i load this video as a video texture of 512,512 and scale it for a plane of 480x328, the thing is that on ipad 2 i got 4 fps, from a single video playback. for the ipad 3 i load a 780x650 @12.5fps video, and scale it, just like ipad 2. and got 4 fps again.

So my question is,

As i need to secure performance and quality, what should i do to get this single video running on a decent framerate withou losing video quality?

im using a flv video, that was converted from a .mp4 using media encoder from adobe.

Is there preffered format to use instead of flv?

Is there a technique that i should use to playback this videos? as optimizations on its creation and stuff?

Should i explore another option to get this result, such as an gif or something related, as i just need to display a little preview of whats the game gonna be?

Or should i do something that im obviously forgeting?

Im sorry for my bad English, if there is anything that i could explain more detailed just ask.

Thanks in advance!!!!

Ps: Great work with away3D, really got me back to AS3 dev.



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