Can’t make AWAY3D work…

Software: Away3D 4.x

wyllyjon, Newbie
Posted: 02 February 2012 08:39 AM   Total Posts: 5

Hello everybody

I am a very beginner in flash 3D, and I wanted to test some code to see 3D work with Flash.
I tried to install away3D with many tutorials found in this forum or in other sites, but it does not work (away3d_4_0_110915).
What I have done :
- In flash directory (Common\Configuration\ActionScript 3.0), I have added a FP11 directory with the new playerglobal.swc inside.
- In flash directory (Common\Configuration\Players), I have added a FP11 configuration file (FlashPlayer11.xml).
- In my project, in the publication parameters, I have put “Flash Player 11”, with hardware acceleration “Level 1 - Direct”.

- I have downloaded 4.6 flash builder sdk. I have put it in the flash builder sdk directory.
- In flash builder, I have created a blank project and modified the installed flex sdk to add the new one and check it as default.

I have tried a tuto I found in this forum, from the site Allforthecode. This was this example :
I have downloaded the code, and tried compiling it in local, but it is always blank. The compilation does not work.

Does anyone have any idea to help me ?

Thank you a lot !


MichaelS, Newbie
Posted: 05 February 2012 12:41 AM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 1 ]

Have you tried to run the compiled swf in a browser (not only in flash directly)?


wyllyjon, Newbie
Posted: 05 February 2012 08:41 AM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 2 ]

Yes !
I read that the player in flash was a player v.10, so I needed to publish it each time. That’s what I do, yes.


wyllyjon, Newbie
Posted: 05 February 2012 08:42 AM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 3 ]

For information, I work with Windows7 64bits, and Flash CS5


wyllyjon, Newbie
Posted: 23 February 2012 03:38 PM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 4 ]

Nobody can help me ?? :-(


maddog, Sr. Member
Posted: 23 February 2012 05:19 PM   Total Posts: 118   [ # 5 ]

Try this
Then use latest gethub examples and away3d codeing


wyllyjon, Newbie
Posted: 23 February 2012 05:45 PM   Total Posts: 5   [ # 6 ]

Thanks for you reply, but I have already done that… :-(


Matse, Sr. Member
Posted: 23 February 2012 06:48 PM   Total Posts: 149   [ # 7 ]

But there’s a chance you did something wrong somewhere in the process wink
Looking at the comments of the article it sounds like it works. Not many people around here seem to use Flash : mostly FlashDevelop / FlashBuilder

I can’t help since I use FlashDevelop, but if I were in your situation I would consider 2 options :

1/ if I wanted to stick with Flash then I’d try uninstalling everything and try again with a fresh install (supposing that I checked, checked and checked again every step of the process and I’m really out of ideas/options).

2/ I’d consider trying FlashDevelop. Coding inside Flash is amongst the ugliest experiences I can think of smile

good luck in any case !


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 23 February 2012 08:22 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 8 ]

Have you updated your xml’s?  in order to run in CS5? updated players and sdk’s?


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 23 February 2012 08:37 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 9 ]

k, looked at some setups:

go to your flash folder common/configuration/players.
there you will see xmls, duplicate one, and change the filename
by FlashPlayer11

here’s what you need to change (I run version 15 for 11.2, not entirely sure 11.1 is 13, in case it fails use 14)

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>

  <name>Flash Player 11.1</name>
  Device Central/adcdl.exe</path>
  Device Central/adcdl</path>

<feature name=“multiScreenPublish”        supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“mobileAuthoringIntegration”        supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“deviceSound”          supported=“false”>
  <feature name=“exportStreamingSound”    supported=“true”>
  <feature name=“exportEventSound”      supported=“true”>
  <feature name=“FSCommand2”          supported=“false”>
  <feature name=“gradient_linearRGB”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“gradient_overflow”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“shape_strokeHint”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“shape_cap”    supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“shape_join”    supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“shape_mitre”    supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“shape_scale”    supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“linkage_exportForActionscript”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“linkage_exportForRuntimeSharing”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“linkage_exportInFirstFrame”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“linkage_importForRuntimeSharing”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“linkage_importAndAddToCache”  supported=“false” >
  <feature name=“publish_localPlaybackSecurity”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“publish_hardwareAcceleration”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“symbol_blendMode”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“actionScript_documentClass”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“symbol_blendMode”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“filters”    supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“component_binding”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“component_schema”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“screens”    supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“video”    supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“deviceVideo”  supported=“false”>
  <feature name=“accessibility”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“dynamic_text_kerning”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“static_text_charwidth_nondeviceFont” supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“static_text_charwidth_deviceFont” supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“advanced_anti_alias_text”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“nine_slice_scaling”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“runtimeNumberMinMax”  supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“use8kSampleRate”              supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“useDefineFont4ForDeviceText”      supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“useDefineFont4ForEmbeddedFonts”    supported=“true” >
  <feature name=“textLayoutFramework”    supported=“true” >
<menu name=“ID_testInFlash” default=“true”>
<menu name=“ID_testInDeviceCentral” >

<menu name=“ID_debugtInFlash” default=“true”>
<menu name=“ID_debugInDeviceCentral”>


after that, as you have set in the node:as3=”$(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/FP11/playerglobal.swc” >
you simply need to make a folder in folder “ActionScript 3.0” and name it “FP11”. and as you guess already, in there you drop the “playerglobal.swc” that you can download from Adobe.

Once you restart flash, you will see the new export option under the menu.

same applies for AIR 3.2 and player 11.2

for AIR,tho, one problem that you will have is that CS5 checks the app descriptor the same way as it was for AIR 2.5. It will not allow you to set the propper tags in xml. So if you want to package for AIR > 2.5 with CS5, you will have to use command line. You can find out how, by simply reading the flash doc under adt.

So once you are propperly set (if you did the above correctly), make a simple class, where you do an away3d import and generate a new View3D. Every tutorial on git holds this part.
If you have no error and the viewstage color is the one you have set, then you’re in business! smile




John Brookes, Moderator
Posted: 23 February 2012 10:18 PM   Total Posts: 732   [ # 10 ]


inSertCodE, Sr. Member
Posted: 23 February 2012 11:28 PM   Total Posts: 105   [ # 11 ]
JohnBrookes - 23 February 2012 10:18 PM

When you mentioned flash pro cs5, I think its time for me to setup AIR 3.1 (I’m more of a flash guy but I’ll need AIR when Stage3D comes to mobile). Any good tutorial for setting up AIR 3.1 on flash pro cs5?


holobak, Newbie
Posted: 27 February 2012 05:32 PM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 12 ]

Hi all!
I need help…i’m tring to load an swf (with away3d 4.0 in) from an swf file created in Flash CS5.5, but it show me only a blank page.
I publish for F11 and in Direct Mode, but it seems not to load the second swf!
If I open manually the second swf it goes well, but if I launch the first swf (created in FLash CS5.5), it still not load nothing!



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