Offsetting the Skybox?

Software: Away3D 4.x

loungelizard, Newbie
Posted: 21 February 2012 03:46 AM   Total Posts: 14


I have a skybox in my scene that has a cloud scenery. Then I’ve put a large plane mesh into the scene that acts as the ground to walk on. Now it is so that a large part of the clouds are below the visible horizon.

Changing the y position of the plane doesn’t do anything. it seems to ever be perfectly centered in relation to the skybox. I understand that the skybox is some far, never-reachable area that always surrounds the whole scene, regardless of how large the scene is (I don’t know the technical terms here, please enlighten me! smile).

But I’m wondering if it’s possible to change the skybox so that the ground plane would be relationally lower in the skybox so that more of the clouds are visible above the horizon of the plane?


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 21 February 2012 08:17 AM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 1 ]

I know just what you mean. The skybox needs to be centered around the camera so as not to reveal it’s shape. If it were off center, you would see folds in the texture where the corners meet.
A few possible solutions;
1) adjust the graphics of the skybox, making the sky “longer”.
2) Use a sky dome instead. This is not a built in feature, but can be constructed in a 3D editor. The skydome is a half sphere, with a flat plane to act as the ground. Obviously these 2 parts then maintain their relationship, and the dome actually moves in relation to the camera position, but being a sphere, rather than a cube, the texture distortion is negligible, as long as the dome is big enough.
3) You could drop your ground plane, and use a fixed camera position. Obviously this depends on the situation.
This for example is pure skybox. (takes a while to load, 14Mb motion capture data)

Good Luck!


loungelizard, Newbie
Posted: 21 February 2012 01:44 PM   Total Posts: 14   [ # 2 ]

Thanks for the tips MightyAtom! The skybox moves with the camera, it’s that easy, hehe.

I might be coming back to your ideas later but using a skydome requires vastly more complex sky texure images I think. I guess adjusting the texture on the image in Photoshop is the easier solution.



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