What has changed in the beta?

Software: Away3D 4.x

empend, Member
Posted: 18 February 2012 02:29 PM   Total Posts: 77

Has anything changed in the beta other than it going out of alpha?


inSertCodE, Sr. Member
Posted: 19 February 2012 05:45 PM   Total Posts: 105   [ # 1 ]

Haven’t been writing down the exact changes but there are some head bumping changes.
It took me 1 hour to adopt one of my projects to work with the new changes. There are some major hierarchy and construction changes.
Here are few from what I can remember:
- Materials. Although some of the old materials are kept the recommended new materials have different structure and are constructed differently.
- Lights. Assigning lights to materials is different.
- Primitives. They are constructed differently and they don’t have direct material assigning in the construction. They are in some ways turned from objects to geometry data.
- Mesh. You’ll be using this more often now for construction. The construction of mash is consisting of putting in a geometry data and texture data. For example if you want to make a primitive you make a mesh and feed it with the geometry data you got from the primitive classes and a texture for the geometry.

...these are just few of the changes. I hope the major version won’t have that many structure changes from the beta. Its gonna take some time to fix all my projects : /


empend, Member
Posted: 19 February 2012 06:01 PM   Total Posts: 77   [ # 2 ]

I’m glad someone decided to reply.
Good luck fixing your projects! XD



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