Skybox with Away3D4 Beta?

Software: Away3D 4.x

loungelizard, Newbie
Posted: 18 February 2012 10:53 AM   Total Posts: 14

Trying to get my hands dirty with away3D 4 I’m trying to follow the tutorial at but it seems that the CubeMap class isn’t part of v4 Beta anymore. Instead the Skybox class now requires a CubeTextureBase object but how do I go about creating a CubeTextureBase object with my skybox images applied to it? Searched Google up and down but neither API docs nor tutorials could be found about this (all outdated).


Matse, Sr. Member
Posted: 18 February 2012 12:02 PM   Total Posts: 149   [ # 1 ]

Didn’t try yet but I bet you’re looking for a BitmapCubeTexture, wich extends CubeTextureBase.

The doc for 4.0 Beta is here : http://away3d[dot]com/livedocs/away3d/4.0/
(replace [dot] with a dot raspberry )

Look at away3d.textures

edit : pleaaaaaase moderators/admins do something about the forum “detecting spam” when we post URLs with away3d[dot]com this is really annoying, can’t even put a simple link to away3d documentation !


loungelizard, Newbie
Posted: 20 February 2012 02:18 PM   Total Posts: 14   [ # 2 ]

Thanks for pointing me to the right API docs, Matse! The BitmapCubeTexture was the answer to my question.



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