Materials on Away3D 4.0 ?

Software: Away3D 4.x

sendoushi, Newbie
Posted: 09 February 2012 12:20 PM   Total Posts: 15

Hey guys,
New around Away3D. I’m using the Away3D to do some applications.
There aren’t much tutorials for Away3D 4.0 so, I’ve decided to post a topic on the forum.

On 3D, usually, (on Away3D 3.6 has these) there are some predefined materials. Materials like Phong or Blinn.
The doubt is, how can I make these on Away3D 4.0?
I’ve already imported the .obj and it shows me with an UV map (I guess it’s an UV map) texture. In this case, I want to make it metal like for example.

I’ve seen a tutorial where it “teaches” on how to use BitmapData and Lights and such on Away3D 4.0 but in this case, there is no need for BitmapData if I can use a predefined.

Any ideas on how to do this?


Stephen Hopkins, Sr. Member
Posted: 10 February 2012 05:32 AM   Total Posts: 110   [ # 1 ]

If you don’t need a bitmap, you can use ColorMaterial.

I haven’t used them myself, but ColorMaterial inherits from DefaultMaterialBase which includes specular/diffuse shading.

I would suggest you start with a high poly sphere and adjust the


properties of the material to see what you want.




sendoushi, Newbie
Posted: 10 February 2012 09:53 AM   Total Posts: 15   [ # 2 ]

Hi there,
Thanks for the help by the way.

I’ve been testing those variables but still can’t get it to be sort of reflective or such. AmbientColor is not working. I’ve used just the ambient setting and it works, ambientcolor… nop.



Stephen Hopkins, Sr. Member
Posted: 10 February 2012 10:12 AM   Total Posts: 110   [ # 3 ]

You have to use both ambient and ambient color, in order to get some kind of tinting.

The above properties i posted, there is also specular, speculuarColor, etc. Someone else might be able to help for reflection, as I never used it.




sendoushi, Newbie
Posted: 10 February 2012 10:36 AM   Total Posts: 15   [ # 4 ]

Ambient and AmbientColor, not always work. They’re working with a simple sphere but with an Obj model… not working. SpecularColor already checked and working fine. Already made some kind of reflection with Specular. Well… not really reflection but some shiny spot.

Now I’m trying to set the shadow color for example. It’s too much dark…

Edit: Sorry, Ambient and AmbientColor working now…



reyco1, Newbie
Posted: 28 September 2012 11:41 AM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 5 ]

Im have never used away3d before and am uber struggling trying to create a coin with the cylinder primitive and have it have that reflection as in the image you posted above. Can anyone help me out with some code? Thanks in advance!




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