OBJ load error.

Software: Away3D 4.x

julespong, Member
Posted: 25 July 2011 05:49 PM   Total Posts: 53

I’m loading a bunch of simple OBJ’s into a scene I’ve been working with. They render fine and I’m able to apply a BitmapMaterial to them as I’m parsing them. However, when I attempt to apply lights and envMap to them I’m getting an error:

TypeErrorError #2007: Parameter data must be non-null.
at flash.display3D::VertexBuffer3D/uploadFromVector() 

Anyone know what I can do to get my lights and envMap applied to these materials?

Also, I’m using the same lights and envMap on other objects in my scene. It seems that my new OBJ’s are missing something critical. Any suggestions?


julespong, Member
Posted: 25 July 2011 06:12 PM   Total Posts: 53   [ # 1 ]

Nevermind, overwriting the BitmapMaterial seems to be breaking things. If I don’t overwrite the material it works fine.


Mr Margaret Scratcher, Sr. Member
Posted: 26 July 2011 01:31 AM   Total Posts: 344   [ # 2 ]

I had that very same error when trying to apply a light to an obj that I had imported - turns out that although the obj imported fine and loaded the UV textures with no hassles, in order for the .obj to be fully working fo away3d I had to import it into prefab, and then re-export it again from there.

I then found that the object loaded fine with the texture, and was affected by the light in the scene.

So the short answer is, blender doesn’t export things quite the way away3d would like…


Sammey, Newbie
Posted: 07 February 2012 09:31 AM   Total Posts: 1   [ # 3 ]

Just make sure you check ‘Export Normals’ in Blender when exporting your .obj.
Then it worked for me!



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