how to handle animated 3ds (frame by frame) in Away3d 4

Software: Away3D 4.x

YG, Newbie
Posted: 13 November 2011 10:25 PM   Total Posts: 18

i trying to load an animated 3ds(studio max file).
now the mesh and the geometry an the material are loaded correct
in the AssetEvent.ASSET_COMPLETE event.

but the animation asset not parsed….

now i don’t know if the Max3DSParser are currently support parsing animations or not.

i relay hope for a positive answer, because i need to parse an frame by frame animated models not skeletal animations.

i look into the Max3DSParser source and i see:

case 0xB002// Object animation (including pivot)

i hope it need to work and it’s just a bug…




inSertCodE, Sr. Member
Posted: 14 November 2011 06:28 PM   Total Posts: 105   [ # 1 ]

Unfortunately Away only supports 3ds as mesh data. And as far as I know it will stay on that… You’ll have to turn to MD5 and wait for awd2.


YG, Newbie
Posted: 15 November 2011 11:19 PM   Total Posts: 18   [ # 2 ]

but the MD5 only support skeletal animation.
it not exporting simple transform animations like rotating and moving
with multipals meshes
for what i know…

i transferring right now a project from paperVision to away3d.
all my models are with animations of rotation and moving.
i have them in max format with paper vision i loaded them with a collada loader.

I guess I have no choice but to translate the papervision collada parser to away3d.



ErnAlp, Newbie
Posted: 31 January 2012 06:45 PM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 3 ]

hi YG,
did you find a solution.Now i have the same problem here.what do you recommend?



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