away3D future with mobile 3D games

Software: Away3D 3.x

jagguy, Newbie
Posted: 30 January 2012 11:01 PM   Total Posts: 27


What is the future with away3D and creating games on mobile devices?
Will the it be possible to run smooth 3D game sin the future on android/iphone devices with Air?

I am happy to make 2D games with Air on mobile devices (havent done one yet but I will ). I prefer to stick with AS3 rather than learn Java.


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 31 January 2012 10:39 AM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 1 ]

The future looks very positive with regard to 3D on mobile, just as long as Adobe release it within a reasonable timeframe. Even though they are showing it in public, there’s no launch date been announced, and even talking directly with the devs it’s hard to get even a rough target release date out of them.

MoleHill was demo’ed a whole year before release. IMHO that would be too long for Stage3D on mobile, as most developers will have have switched to alternatives by then. The market is crying out for iPad/Android support. Should that arrive in the spring, it’s happy days for Flashers.


jagguy, Newbie
Posted: 31 January 2012 11:10 AM   Total Posts: 27   [ # 2 ]

Well that sounds promising . Flash/AS really does hold the major grip on desktop computing games and there is no reason why it cant dominate mobile games (app downloads).

I think using a browser on a mobile device is a no brainer and apps lead the way.



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