how to implement loading progress/completion for Loader3D

Software: Away3D 3.x

reinierf, Newbie
Posted: 30 January 2012 11:09 AM   Total Posts: 7


I am trying to implement feedback of progress and load completion while loading collada models with autoLoadTextures=true (default). I am using away3d 3.6.0.
The SUCCESS event of the loader is dispatched multiple times: once for the geometry and then for each texture loaded. There does not seem to be a way to detect if geometry and all textures are loaded.
So if I listen for the first SUCCESS event, only the geometry is loaded and the textures are not loaded yet, so load is not complete in my point of view.
How can I find out when everything is loaded?




reinierf, Newbie
Posted: 30 January 2012 11:19 AM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 1 ]

Never mind, there was a mixup in my code.

The SUCCESS event is only triggered once per model as it should.
Problem was that my progress handler used the bytesLoaded and bytesTotal props to calc overall progress. These props show the bytes stats of the current dependency being loaded, not overall bytes…



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