Flex or as3 for new application?

Software: Away3D 4.x

Huck, Jr. Member
Posted: 12 January 2012 03:01 PM   Total Posts: 45

HI Guys,

quick away3D newbie question.

Would you recommend starting from a flex4 application or a pure as3 project type?

I ask as away3D does not seem to have any integrated GUI system (at least i haven’t found one yet), to create panels and common controls, so i wonder, is this because there is implicit reliance on flash controls (flex controls)? and if so, can we use flex inside away3D or do you overlay flex controls over away3d canvas? can we use flex controls mapped as a texture to a 3d plane?

in short, what is the recommended GUI system for away3d?



lanceaeby, Newbie
Posted: 12 January 2012 06:17 PM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 1 ]

I’ve only been working with Away3D for a couple weeks, but I would recommend creating pure as3 projects with Flash Builder.  It’s worked fine for me thus far. 

Your Away3D stage is beneath the Flash stage, so any controls you add to the Flash stage (via MXML components or whatever), will be on top of your Away3D content.


theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 12 January 2012 06:58 PM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 2 ]

Using the flex framework adds massive overhead so I would avoid it if at all possible, especially for games that generally look boring with standard controls, and skinning them can take as long as making most of them.
FlashDevelop over Flash Builder, but that’s personal taste (not to mention compile time!)


Huck, Jr. Member
Posted: 12 January 2012 07:05 PM   Total Posts: 45   [ # 3 ]

thanks guys, i figured flex was somewhat heavy for a game, but then, what to replace it with?  (is there some convenient 3D GUI framework for away3d or must we build it from scratch?)  (like a set of common controls with events, etc. like for example NiftyGui in java).



theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 12 January 2012 07:09 PM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 4 ]


There you go smile
I often use a copy of minimal, and customise directly in the classes.


Huck, Jr. Member
Posted: 12 January 2012 07:13 PM   Total Posts: 45   [ # 5 ]

that’s cool, thanks smile

I see this is legacy flash (and that’s perfectly fine), just wondering if there are 3D accelerated GUI libraries out there some of you have used and can recommend?



Huck, Jr. Member
Posted: 14 January 2012 05:47 PM   Total Posts: 45   [ # 6 ]

for the record, I just found that it is possible to load swf movies (like flash native GUI controls) in the 3D accelerated space using away3d.

here is an example:




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