Hi everyone. I started to learn Away3D engine only yesterday and I have few questions.. Firstly, I have a problem with intersecting objects. I created some Cubes of the same height, some of which intersect with each other and when moving the camera there is a bug in the place of the intersection: one “random” cube overlaps others. And it looks terrible. Is there a way to create something like spline of primitives so that unneeded parts (like place of cubes intersection) are not displaied. Here you can see how it looks like:
To move the camera, click and drag the mouse.
The other problem that you can also see through this link is the texture display. All walls in the maze use same material: http://xmages.net/i/3306372 The p.roblem is that though the “repeat” property of the material is set to true, texture doesn’t tile. The worst thing is that if you look at horizontal walls, you’ll see that texture actually stretchs to fit the size of the cube. How can I make texture not stretch across the cube, but repeat or sometimes (if it is bigger than the cube’s surface) crop?
By “create something like spline” I mean the following:
For example I have two cubes looking like “|_” and I want to combine them into one complex figure like “L”