Animate a rigged model in Away3d

Software: Away3D 4.x

Jon Tetzlaff, Newbie
Posted: 10 January 2012 05:02 PM   Total Posts: 7

For our project we want to dynamically animate a rigged hand with Away3d 4.  I believe it allows you to do that in 3.6 but we can’t figure out how to accomplish this 4.x.

_loader = new Loader3D();
_loader.load(new URLRequest('assets/skellyRig.3DS')); 
if (event.asset.assetType == AssetType.MESH{
else if(event.asset.assetType == AssetType.MATERIAL{

I successfully load in a model with the code above but the rig(skeleton) never gets loaded. What am I doing wrong here and can anyone point me in the right direction?


lanceaeby, Newbie
Posted: 10 January 2012 05:03 PM   Total Posts: 8   [ # 1 ]

Also wondering about this…any help would be greatly appreciated!


Baush, Sr. Member
Posted: 10 January 2012 08:25 PM   Total Posts: 135   [ # 2 ]

I could be wrong, but I don’t beleive the 3DS file format includes bone animation data. You may have better luck with the MD5 format.


Jon Tetzlaff, Newbie
Posted: 11 January 2012 03:46 PM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 3 ]

Okay so I used a rigged MD5 model and now I can select the skeleton within it.  Now my question is how the hell do you animate it (as in bones individually)??? Stuff gets real confusing real fast with skeletons. Any help would be much appreciated!


Baush, Sr. Member
Posted: 11 January 2012 03:50 PM   Total Posts: 135   [ # 4 ]

It depends what you’re trying to acheive. If you want a simple animation loop such as walking, I suggest you do the animation in your 3D modelling tool and then use an SkeletonAnimator to play the animation. Check the examples project on GitHub, I think there’s an MD5 example in there.

If you need to control all animation dynamically at run-time, then you need to get a reference on each bones and animate them (complex).


Jon Tetzlaff, Newbie
Posted: 11 January 2012 04:16 PM   Total Posts: 7   [ # 5 ]

Yeah I have done the first thing you mention already.  But what we really want to do is the second point you make wink

Would anyone happen to know any examples or tutorials on this very complex thing??


GameDesigner, Jr. Member
Posted: 14 December 2012 03:02 PM   Total Posts: 33   [ # 6 ]
Jon Tetzlaff - 11 January 2012 04:16 PM

Yeah I have done the first thing you mention already.  But what we really want to do is the second point you make wink

Would anyone happen to know any examples or tutorials on this very complex thing??




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