Sharing Materials & Geometries FIX

Software: Away3D 4.x

Rayen123, Member
Posted: 06 January 2012 12:21 AM   Total Posts: 70

I found this site for Sharing Materials & Geometries,

I tried applying it in FLASH CS 5.5, but unsucessful.
(using Away3D 4.0.110915 Alpha and Flash player 11.2, and renderMode is set to direct)
Framerate in my project is 20fps, and in exampla on the site is 60fps, maybe I doing something wrong.
(I dont use [Embed…] tags, because flash dont support it, and I use color material for plane)
My sources is in attachment.

Thanks for reply and help.



File Attachments  (File Size: 137KB - Downloads: 151)

Rayen123, Member
Posted: 06 January 2012 02:24 PM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 1 ]

in this exmaple is “driver” HW,...and I have Directx9, How I change it to HW ?
OR how fix mesh.clone(), because it seems to be its not cloning but creating new one :( .. .
(if I not cloning, just creating new planes, it is the same)


Rayen123, Member
Posted: 06 January 2012 09:34 PM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 2 ]

Nobody ? :(


vonWolfehaus, Newbie
Posted: 06 January 2012 10:37 PM   Total Posts: 14   [ # 3 ]

I think in the latest version of Away3D changed its stats so instead of “HW” it shows the specific driver in use. Directx9 is a hardware accelerated mode, so that’s not the problem.

I honestly can’t say what’s causing the drop because there might be discrepancies between the Flash IDE and vanilla Flex (which I use, with FlashDevelop). However, I’m using the techniques described in that article as well for mesh duplication, and I’m getting around 5-20 fps as well.

It could be this version of Away3D has some serious bugs to cause this kind of performance. Has anyone gotten 60fps with more than 100k polys in this Alpha release (the one available on the download page right now)? If so, can you share the code please?

Edit: If I post a link I get an error saying my message was discarded because “the computer thinks it’s spam”...? The hell?


Rayen123, Member
Posted: 06 January 2012 10:54 PM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 4 ]

Thanks for reply, and I shared the question

It could be this version of Away3D has some serious bugs to cause this kind of performance. Has anyone gotten 60fps with more than 100k polys in this Alpha release (the one available on the download page right now)? If so, can you share the code please?


empend, Member
Posted: 06 January 2012 10:54 PM   Total Posts: 77   [ # 5 ]

Runs at 60 FPS for me.
Make sure you’re running it from the browser.

Can I ask why you would want to have so many meshes?
What version of Away3D4 are you using?

I think Adobe gave Stage3D too much credit ( even though I love 3D in flash ).
It’s not going to be able to easily run 3 million polygons with smooth lighting, and shadows for everyone.


Rayen123, Member
Posted: 07 January 2012 12:07 AM   Total Posts: 70   [ # 6 ]

thanks for help, its working now smile

I need many mesh because I try create terein like in MINECRAFT (my topic with pics. /forum/viewthread/1451/ )

And I decided to create many cloned mesh because I dont know how from one mesh (in this mesh is merged many planes) remove one plane with name, So I decided create many cloned meshes with the some name, and remove it by name. ( /forum/viewthread/1649/ )

But it is not good idea, because framerate go down with 10 000poly,.. hmm, do you know how remove named mesh(plane) from one big mesh (in which is included merged named meshes) by name ? smile

Edit:  framerate go down with 1 000poly, and I using current version of Away3D,... and why cloned mesh use space in memory too ?



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