XYZ Coordinates

Software: Away3D 4.x

tmontana, Newbie
Posted: 05 January 2012 12:51 PM   Total Posts: 3


I used Flare3D before then I decide to try Away3D 4.0. But i have little problem in Flare3D and Unity3D, y coordinate is objects vertical position and rotationY rotates object from top. But in Away3D positioning is different i think. When I change y property of camera camera goes verticaly. But when i change plane or box’s y, the object goes in z axis. And in camera rotationY also works different.

Is this axis’es are true ? Or my config is wrong?


vonWolfehaus, Newbie
Posted: 05 January 2012 09:11 PM   Total Posts: 14   [ # 1 ]

Weird. Put down a trident to help you debug this issue, as it has helped me a lot with getting my axis straight.

_view.scene.addChild(new Trident(50));


tmontana, Newbie
Posted: 05 January 2012 09:27 PM   Total Posts: 3   [ # 2 ]

OK, I added trident, its shows the Coordinates.



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