Awd model exported with blender not showing

Software: Away3D 4.x

therauli, Newbie
Posted: 29 December 2011 05:29 PM   Total Posts: 6

I’m trying to export some very simple models from blender to .awd without success. I crateated a monkey mesh with blender and exported it with awd Blender exporter. The terminal output was this:

{‘embed_textures’: True, ‘include_attr’: True, ‘include_materials’: True, ‘filepath’: ‘/Users/user/Downloads/Files/src/monkey.awd’}
Creating mesh Monkey
Checking materials for Monkey
Writing using libawd.
material count: 0

After that I used this tutorial to display the model just by replacing “vase.awd” with “monkey.awd” (the model I exported.) However, I don’t see anything on the created flash application. The vase is displayed OK.

Are there some problems with the exporter (or Away3d 4) or should I change my model somehow so it could be displayed? I’ve included my .blend file in this post.




File Attachments
monkey.blend  (File Size: 313KB - Downloads: 0)

therauli, Newbie
Posted: 29 December 2011 08:58 PM   Total Posts: 6   [ # 1 ]

Just a quick update. I have a another model that has an image texture and it showed up nicely in the example. Is there a way to export .awd files without image textures?



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