Hello 3Developers!
When I load a Cinema4D exported model with the Loader3D and then put it’s mesh into the AWPBvhTriangleMeshShape, this error is thrown:
TypeError: Error #1009: Kan geen eigenschap of methode benaderen via een verwijzing naar een object dat null is.
at awayphysics.collision.shapes::AWPBvhTriangleMeshShape()[/Users/timbaas/actionscript/source/Away3D/away3dphysics/awayphysics/collision/shapes/AWPBvhTriangleMeshShape.as:17]
at Blastles/initScene()[/Users/timbaas/actionscript/applications/Blastles/src/Blastles.as:138]
Here is the code:
terrain = ( preloader.getModel('terrain') as ObjectContainer3D )
terrainMesh = Mesh(terrain.getChildAt(0));
terrainMesh.material = material;
terrainShape = new AWPBvhTriangleMeshShape( terrainMesh.geometry );
I’ve tried different exports in C4D (.obj, .3ds, .dae ), all the same error..
Am I missing something here?