align plane so that it always faces the camera

Software: Away3D 4.x

amcc, Newbie
Posted: 14 December 2011 12:30 AM   Total Posts: 10

Im using a HoverController camera to spin around a model. I want to use a plane with a bitmap material as a background. I’m doing this rather than use the view.backgroundImage property as it has a number of limitations, size for one and it also seems to prevent displaying the view/swf at 100%.

Given that i have a plane on the stage how do i align it so that it face the camera.

I’m already making my light point in the same direction as the camera by doing this, so that should help but i’m new to 3D:

directionalLight1.direction Matrix3DUtils.getForward(; 

any pointers would be well received.


Baush, Sr. Member
Posted: 14 December 2011 02:44 PM   Total Posts: 135   [ # 1 ]

Hi amcc, try using a Sprite3D primitive and position it on the opposite of the camera. Sprite3D always faces the camera.



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