Mipmapping issue

Software: Away3D 4.x

Siroko, Newbie
Posted: 02 December 2011 04:55 PM   Total Posts: 6

Hi all,

We’re developing a webapp that uses away3D 4.0 and we’re having problems with the visualization of textures that require a lot of quality.

We’re using 2048x2048px textures and different zoom ratios to visualize them. First we were using a mipmap=true for the material, but the little details of the texture were lost on zoom out, they got some sort of ugly blur. Now we are using mipmap=false, and we have moire effect on the textures, on zoom out too…

We ‘re figuring that the issue with mipmap=true is that the GPU interpolation of the textures is by default setted to NEAREST, and we think the optimal setting for that would be LiNEAR. Don’t know If that setting is possible with Stage3D API o if Away3D has implemented some method to do that via AGAL…

Some light to this will be very welcomed!


Siroko, Newbie
Posted: 05 December 2011 06:36 PM   Total Posts: 6   [ # 1 ]

Well, finally we solved the issue by applying a BlurFilter to the 2048 texture and disabling mipmapping, the moire effect go away and we get an acceptable good resolution on zoom out and zoom in. The best solution will be to code a shader that fade between the 2 textures (the blurred one and the sharp one) depending on the zoom level. Some short of manual mipmapping with custom levels, will be a good one workaround.




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