MD5 file was not showed correctly, pls help me.

Software: Away3D 4.x

Jack, Newbie
Posted: 14 November 2011 08:26 AM   Total Posts: 3

When I loaded a md5 file as your sample [ ], but it wasnt showed correctly. I dont know why. pls, pls help me!  thx.

you can see what I say when u see the screenshot in Attachments.



Jack Dracon, Newbie
Posted: 16 November 2011 12:14 PM   Total Posts: 27   [ # 1 ]

Your problem is the exporter. ;D
This can help you,
has a info about the exporter and how to load in away3D.
I hope this helps.
Good lucky!


Jack, Newbie
Posted: 17 November 2011 02:04 AM   Total Posts: 3   [ # 2 ]

Thanks for your relply, dude.  I am sure I have loaded the mesh and animation in a correct way as sample[] and the animation could be played correctly. but as you saw some vertices are not in correct position. I have adjusted the weight of vertex to make it affect Less other vertices beside it. but it does not works yet. so I think it may be a bug of parser for it works well in md5 modelviewer.  my code as below:

AssetLibrary.load(new URLRequest(MESH_NAME+".md5mesh")); 


private function initAnimation() : void
= new SmoothSkeletonAnimator(SkeletonAnimationState(_mesh.animationState));
_controller.timeScale _timeScale;
   for (var 
uint 0ANIM_NAMES.length; ++i{
.load(new URLRequest(ANIM_NAMES[i] ".md5anim"), nullnullANIM_NAMES[i]);



Jack Dracon, Newbie
Posted: 17 November 2011 11:54 AM   Total Posts: 27   [ # 3 ]

This code works (I had used before ;D ).
Now, the next step it’s check your exporter. wink
In my latest post, I adviced you to see a link, and there, has a posts and something about it. If this can help you.
Good lucky! =D


VMStudio, Newbie
Posted: 20 November 2011 05:09 PM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 4 ]


I’m also working with MD5mesh and anims.

I’ve got the same kind of problem at the begining.

I’m working on Maya, exporting with ActorX from unreal and converting PSK ans PSA with ax2doom.

First time, the skinned mesh was showing well in viewers but was completely exploded in Away 3d 4.

For me the problem was that all the bones of my skeleton must have their joint orient set to 0, what was not the case for my first export.
Once it was fixed, everything has worked pretty well smile

Hope it will help you.



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