Render simultaneously a large number of 3D shapes.

Software: Away3D 4.x

UmbaBumba, Newbie
Posted: 14 November 2011 02:07 AM   Total Posts: 1

Hello, I’m trying to render simultaneously a large number of 3D shapes with Away3D 4. I followed the advice of David Lenaerts (into his blog) reusing materials and geometries, and got good results.

I did some tests rendering 3D objects, and turning the camera around these objects.

500 Objects3D> 20 FPS
1000 Objects3D> 6 FPS

Then I tried to render the same 3D objects by removing a line of the class ObjectContainer3D (line 239, “_sceneTransformDirty = false;”) and I got the following results:

500 Objects3D> 40 FPS
1000 Objects3D> 22 FPS

But this is certainly not a good practice! smile
Do you have any trick to improve the framerate when rendering simultaneously many objects?


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 14 November 2011 12:57 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

if you have lots of static objects, you could try the Merge class…


SasMaster, Sr. Member
Posted: 14 November 2011 01:53 PM   Total Posts: 127   [ # 2 ]

He He ,not sure you can do it (for dynamic objects) without hacking deep into Away3D engine.You have to load all (or most of them) into a single buffer in order to reduce GPU draw calls.You can see how it is done in ND2D engine ,also see McFunckyPants blog. The problem with such an approach is that you can’t really manipulate each object individually because it is done in a full batch.It is ok for simple massive particle systems but not for something you need a full control of all the objects.


This looks like a job for superman



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