MouseEvent3D globalX, globalY and globalZ

Software: Away3D 4.x

patmat, Newbie
Posted: 31 October 2011 06:19 PM   Total Posts: 8

So when I mouseOver my object, I get the localX, localY and localZ, but how can I convert that to globalX, globalY and globalZ if my object has rotations?

Anyone got a piece of code to calculate that?


Somokon, Member
Posted: 31 October 2011 11:49 PM   Total Posts: 75   [ # 1 ]

Transform the point in local coordinates to global coordinates with the object’s transform matrix.  I think object.transform is the right matrix to use, but I might be wrong.

global = object.transform.transformVector(new Vector3D(localXlocalYlocalZ)); 


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