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3d4ever, Newbie
Posted: 31 October 2011 05:47 AM   Total Posts: 21   [ # 16 ]

Yes..flash cs4 exports to flash 10…. 

This is how i work now:

I open prefab - creating a cube - give it a texture - render it - then bvs/pvs generator..

then open flash cs4 - opening mybspproject - testing movie - ( result completly white .swf).

In the video I noticed that he copied the prefab files into a folder with some other files in it.  I only cannot find out which files these are.

@ Maddog , thnx for the time you take to reply here.. I really aprecciate this..

well ok.. I think its all a step to big for a old bugger like me..lol

==== 3d4ever ====



maddog, Sr. Member
Posted: 31 October 2011 02:15 PM   Total Posts: 118   [ # 17 ]

1. Is flash connected to away3d version 3.6 in preference, actionscript area of flash cs4

2. make sure you publish to same folder as prefab files:

images folder

3. Open new as3 document and set MyBSPProject as main class

Then publish flash file. I retested a simple plan with prefab and it worked
Note don’t forget to set you textures up in prefab or the won’t load in flash

I have included a zip test document that worked for me


File Attachments
myBSPTree.zip  (File Size: 858KB - Downloads: 198)

3d4ever, Newbie
Posted: 31 October 2011 05:23 PM   Total Posts: 21   [ # 18 ]

Hey Maddog….

Many many thnx..gonna try it right now..

I will keep you posted…

Regards:  3d4ever



maddog, Sr. Member
Posted: 31 October 2011 06:55 PM   Total Posts: 118   [ # 19 ]

I forgot to mention did you get any kind of prompt to update something to do with flex. If so you should have clicked OK without changing any location for flex folder



3d4ever, Newbie
Posted: 31 October 2011 07:21 PM   Total Posts: 21   [ # 20 ]


No did not get such a message….

I did setup as you told…

used your sample…. exported swf to your folder…

swf is only 1kb in size , and still completly white…



maddog, Sr. Member
Posted: 01 November 2011 12:28 AM   Total Posts: 118   [ # 21 ]

Lets see if away3d is working with flash at all.
open and publish the flash file contained in this fla.

You should have gotten the flex message the first time you tried to publish.
Flash needs a bit of flex to run this code:

private var BSPFile:Class; 

you may want to try starting a new flash document and linking it to MyBSPProject to see if the flex dialog opens.

My guess is awd file is not getting embedded at start because it is flex code.



File Attachments
elevationsTrack.fla  (File Size: 1024KB - Downloads: 0)

maddog, Sr. Member
Posted: 01 November 2011 02:19 AM   Total Posts: 118   [ # 22 ]

I just noticed your flex path is different then mine. I have mine set to $(AppConfig)/ActionScript 3.0/flex_sdk/4.0.0/
you could try setting it to this to see if anything different happens, but save the current path in case you get big errots



3d4ever, Newbie
Posted: 01 November 2011 06:41 AM   Total Posts: 21   [ # 23 ]

i cant download the attached .fla file..when i click it it leads me to


I channged the flex path to yours… i then got this message:

“A defenition for the document class could not be found in the class path, so one will be automaticly generated in the swf file upon export”

I think we better stop with this…

It takes to much time for you, with helping me…



maddog, Sr. Member
Posted: 01 November 2011 01:19 PM   Total Posts: 118   [ # 24 ]

oh well we tried anyway. Sorry i could get it working for you.



3d4ever, Newbie
Posted: 01 November 2011 04:42 PM   Total Posts: 21   [ # 25 ]

Yes right and,

I am very gratefull for every help you did give me…

There is on last thing I want to show you….

The top lines in script are almost completely black…

Should’t they not be also blue ?

Regards: 3d4ever



maddog, Sr. Member
Posted: 01 November 2011 08:44 PM   Total Posts: 118   [ # 26 ]

The code looks fine those lines are there for importing various code that make the rest of the code work. I guess I would wait till the next prefab comes out this spring hopefully they will stream line things a bit more by then. Away3d 4 will be out of beta by then so there should be better documentation and examples to go by. It would be nice if there was a installation program that set up both flash and away3d fro you.



3d4ever, Newbie
Posted: 03 November 2011 06:42 AM   Total Posts: 21   [ # 27 ]

Hey Maddog…

I got it working….

I always placed camera outside of cube….

welll…. I finaly can start my little walk trough project…

Regards: 3d4ever



maddog, Sr. Member
Posted: 03 November 2011 02:03 PM   Total Posts: 118   [ # 28 ]

sweet, good luck




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