I try the LinearExtrude class with the closePath set to true but no top and bottom face appear..
Is there an issue with LinearExtrude?
Here is my code
public function PlayCard(){
_mat = new ColorMaterial(0xaaee55)
_card = new LinearExtrude(_mat,buildPath(),LinearExtrude.Z_AXIS,50,3,true,0,1,null,true,false,"",true)
protected function buildPath ():Vector.<Vector3D> {
_vector = new Vector.<Vector3D>;
_vector.push(new Vector3D(0,5,0))
_vector.push(new Vector3D(5,0,0))
_vector.push(new Vector3D(50,0,0))
_vector.push(new Vector3D(55,5,0))
_vector.push(new Vector3D(55,80,0))
_vector.push(new Vector3D(50,85,0))
_vector.push(new Vector3D(5,85,0))
_vector.push(new Vector3D(0,80,0))
_vector.push(new Vector3D(0,5,0))
return _vector
And the result here