
Software: Away3D 4.x

Monguron, Newbie
Posted: 07 October 2011 05:37 PM   Total Posts: 27

Hello Guys,

I’m totally noob in this whole 3D topic, and I found lots of installation guides, but all are from March, or even before, and perhaps that’s the problem.

So I downloaded:

Flash Player 11.0.1
Flex SDK
Away3D 4.0 110915
FlashDevelop 4.0.0 RC1
and the latest playerglobal.swc

My problems:

I installed Flashdevelop under Program files. Then choose a folder for Flex SDK, and a separate folder for Away3D. But when I add the away3D to the new projects, and then run everything my .swf file is created not in the SDK bin folder. Beside that, the tutorials are talking about folders of 10.1 or 10.2, but the latest version of the player is 11.0, so it’s also confusing.

So first of all I would need some very detailed instructions for the complete installation: where should I put this and that ... where should I write this and that ... (flex, away3d and my project location)

I really need exact instruction as I’m noob smile

Thanks in advance and best regards,


Matse, Sr. Member
Posted: 07 October 2011 06:04 PM   Total Posts: 149   [ # 1 ]

My first install / setup was quite painful too, but following the instructions from this link made it work :

(that’s from august wink )


Monguron, Newbie
Posted: 07 October 2011 06:15 PM   Total Posts: 27   [ # 2 ]

Hello Matse,

I’ve just found this latest guide, but thanks anyway wink

Still one thing is not really understood: the tutorial writes “Download and extract Away3D Core FP11”.

But where????

Where do I have to put the extracted away3d folder? Or does it matter?

At least the whole story starts to be more and more clear, I see the light at the end of the tunnel smile


Matse, Sr. Member
Posted: 08 October 2011 11:14 AM   Total Posts: 149   [ # 3 ]

You can extract it wherever you want it, it doesn’t matter, just make sure that you add the “src” folder in it to your project classpath (not sure why but I’m having troubles with the global classpath with FlashDevelop 4)

“Project” -> “Properties” -> “Classpaths” tab -> “Add ClassPath…” button

then browse to the location where you extracted the away3d package and select the “src” folder.


wagster, Member
Posted: 08 October 2011 06:27 PM   Total Posts: 68   [ # 4 ]

This is going to be quite a learning curve for you by the sound of it, but not impossible.  I’ve done this install countless times, and there’s a number of pitfalls - but then they may be different for me as I use Flex Builder 3.0.

My suggestion is to do it in stages, proving each one as you go.  That’s the only way you’ll know what’s working and what isn’t.

1) Install FlashDevelop.  Run a quick “Hello World” application
2) Install FP11.  Run “Hello world” again.
3) Install SDK 4.5 and playerglobal.swc (I think these have to be done together) - run “Hello World”
4) Install Away3D4.  Download the latest version from GitHub, put it somewhere and add the src folder to your classpath in FD.  Run a basic “Hello Away3d” - like create a view and add a sphere or something.
5) Learn Away3D and make something awesome.

If you get stuck at any point, ask here and outline what you’ve already got working.


Monguron, Newbie
Posted: 08 October 2011 09:33 PM   Total Posts: 27   [ # 5 ]

Hello Wagster,

thanks for the summay.

Yesterady I could manage to set up the complete Flex SDK + Away 3D + Flashdevelop trio, based on the latest tutorial I could find.

The next step would be to find great tutorials for Away 3D, but all I find are not for noobs, instead for those, who are programmers, and lots of tutorials are from 2008-2009, and are not up-to-date.

And studying the framework from only the references ... it’s impossible.


Alejandro Santander, Administrator
Posted: 09 October 2011 06:53 AM   Total Posts: 414   [ # 6 ]

Away3D is very easy to use as a framework, it just assumes that you’ve conquered previous steps like many other as3 frameworks: knowing your way in AS3, a bit of OOP, using IDE’s, connecting library dependencies, familiarity with some 3D concepts, etc. If you do know that, then Away3D should be very easy to use, nothing compared to something like OpenGL!

Here are a few resources I can think of:
- Examples at github. Check out away3d-examples-fp11 (or away3d-examples-broomstick). Some of those are really basic and pretty much all you need to get going with some great 3D.
- This tutorial by Richard Olsson is just perfect:
- There’s a new area in the site that’s got Away3D tutorials: (most examples there are old, but now that FP11 is official, expect new entries shortly).


Monguron, Newbie
Posted: 09 October 2011 07:28 AM   Total Posts: 27   [ # 7 ]

On I see nothing, no links, no content.

For me the very-very basic tutorials would be the best, as I have no experience with any other languages, that you wrote.

But thanks anyway.



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