RESOLVED: IMPORTS (TGA textures in OBJ files)

Software: Away3D 4.x

mndexp, Newbie
Posted: 10 August 2011 03:10 PM   Total Posts: 10

Can anyone tell me what exactly is supported and what is not when importing OBJ files with MTL… I have an OBJ file that wont export unless i get rid of the MTL file…I have had success in the past importing OBJ with mtl but with only a single texture…

my mtl file :

# 3ds Max Wavefront OBJ Exporter v0.97b - (c)2007 guruware
# File Created: 09.08.2011 16:10:46

newmtl Gris
Ns 10.0000
Ni 1.5000
d 1.0000
Tr 0.0000
Tf 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
illum 2
Ka 0.4196 0.4196 0.4196
Kd 0.4196 0.4196 0.4196
Ks 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Ke 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
map_Ka texLand.bmp
map_Kd texLand.bmp

newmtl brun
Ns 10.0000
Ni 1.5000
d 1.0000
Tr 0.0000
Tf 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
illum 2
Ka 0.2824 0.1451 0.0000
Kd 0.2824 0.1451 0.0000
Ks 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Ke 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
map_Ka texBrown.bmp
map_Kd texBrown.bmp

newmtl texC_dreBranch
Ns 59.0000
Ni 1.5000
d 1.0000
Tr 0.0000
Tf 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
illum 2
Ka 0.5882 0.5882 0.5882
Kd 0.5882 0.5882 0.5882
Ks 0.3150 0.3150 0.3150
Ke 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
map_Ka texCedreBranche.tga
map_Kd texCedreBranche.tga
map_d texCedreBranche.tga


can anyone tell me if character animation with skeleton is supported ? I havent had any succes yet importing DAE files…

I think that what I am trying to say is we need a guideline for artists how they should build their 3d scenes and export them…

Is that possible, because they ask me question and I have no answer…


80prozent, Sr. Member
Posted: 10 August 2011 03:35 PM   Total Posts: 430   [ # 1 ]

cant really say something about the obj.
can only say that the c4d standart wavefront exporter doesnt work with away3d too.

awd2 will be the format of choice, but since it is still under development i would say use md5-format for skeleton-animations.


sorry…i hope my actionscript is better than my english…


duggulous, Newbie
Posted: 30 September 2011 01:05 AM   Total Posts: 2   [ # 2 ]

I’ve been having the same problems and after hunting through the source code, I’ve found that tga files are not supported.  The ImageParser class will handle jpg/jpeg, gif, png, and bmp



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