Animating NURBS

Software: Away3D 3.x

andreas_dila, Newbie
Posted: 23 September 2011 04:56 PM   Total Posts: 9

First off a big thank you to the creators of Away3d and all the people dev-ing.  Flash has gotten really exciting again. 

I am currently having some trouble animating a NURBS Mesh using refreshNURBS().

The NURBS Mesh is created correctly and I can manipulate it on instantiation. but the following ENTER_FRAME handler has no effect.

private function onEnterFrameTest (event Event) : void {

Am I missing anything important ?  It’s hard to find any conversation / examples around the interet.

Thanks for any help


andreas_dila, Newbie
Posted: 26 September 2011 08:44 AM   Total Posts: 9   [ # 1 ]

Here’s a little update for anyone who may be experiencing this problem.  The NURBS class seems to need additional code to work.  This seems to be a problem that has persisted since at least version 2.5.  Greg Caldwell - who I think is an official contributor to the framework proposes a fix in the comments section of this NURBS tutorial:

As far as animating NURBS are concerned the code I posted works using v 2.52 , but not in any newer builds.  Maybe this is a glitch that has been overlooked?  I could be wrong I need to double check.  Has anyone else come across this?



Greg Caldwell (Greg209), Administrator
Posted: 27 September 2011 12:38 PM   Total Posts: 45   [ # 2 ]

I’ve committed a fix to the away3d-core-fp10 git repository. Hopefully that will sort your problems out. The geometry should now be updated correctly.

Let me know how you get on.




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andreas_dila, Newbie
Posted: 27 September 2011 04:31 PM   Total Posts: 9   [ # 3 ]

Thanks for all your contributions Greg !  The Nurbs and BezierPatch tutorials have been invaluable on my current project !




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