in the following piece of code, the Movie material is only playing when the sprite holding the material is also added.. meaning I have two versions of the movie..
Looking at the following code.. the movie only plays when //addChild(spr) is un-commented. Any ideas?
var spr:Sprite = new Sprite();
spr.addChild( _materials[_defaultAnimation].content);
var mm:MovieMaterial = new MovieMaterial(spr);
_plane = new Plane( { material:mm, width:mm.width * _modelScale, height:mm.height * _modelScale, segmentsW:2, segmentsH:2, ownCanvas:true } );
_plane.rotationX = -90;
_plane.rotationZ = 180;
_model = new ObjectContainer3D(_plane);
_currentAnimation = _defaultAnimation;
_camera = new TargetCamera3D({ z:PatPosition.VIEWERZ , target:_model})
_view = new View3D({ /*x:stage.stageWidth/2, y:stage.stageHeight/2,*/ camera:_camera, scene:_scene }) ;
_bottomSprite.addChild(_view) ;