Can’t get textures on model

Software: Away3D 4.x

Qbrain, Member
Posted: 22 August 2011 12:30 PM   Total Posts: 92   [ # 16 ]

I had the same feeling. When I imported the head.obj file in 3DS, and exported both models in the same obj, the texture worked for me… Really strange, but probably indeed a bug. Haha very nasty indeed for a beginner, but still good to have found it, and moving forward now. Thanks for the support!



Qbrain, Member
Posted: 24 August 2011 02:59 PM   Total Posts: 92   [ # 17 ]

The .obj does work now smile

Btw, does anyone have an idea what could be wrong in texturing .3DS files?

I have a model in 3DSMax, UVWunwrapped it, textured it, converted it to editable poly. And exported it to a .3DS file.

I can load the model, but the texture won’t load. For your info:
- I renamed the filename to the 8 char name.
- I changed the preferences in MAX to relative paths.
- Putted the texture in the same folder as the .3ds file.

Does anyone think of something I forget?


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