, Jr. Member
Wow, these are great answers - thanks!!!!
I tend to think that keeping the geometry intact is good, so I’ll start there.
I tried making my bitmapdata for terrain transparent (using true parameter), and if I set my terrainMaterial to alphaBlending=true, it almost works.
myBitmapData = new BitmapData(256,256,true,0x000000);
myBitmapData.draw(mcontainer); //draw contents of sprite to bitmpData
myBitmap = new Bitmap(myBitmapData);
///creat terrain
terrainMaterial = new TextureMaterial(Cast.bitmapTexture(myBitmap),true,false,true);//HeightMap
terrainMaterial.ambient =16;//3
terrainMaterial.specular = .2;//.3
Doing this, The bottom layer DOES dissapear, but so do some of the higher elevations in weird striations, but only when viewing mesh from certain panAngles, weird.
Oh, the reason I want that transparnet is to creat non-rectangular terrains in general, and to have transparent water at y=0 without seeing the rectangle bottom;)