Hi, I’m a Little confused about Bounding boxes on cube shapes..
while I’ve kinda found away around it which isn’t greatly useful, I’ve created a basic cube like this:
floor=new Cube({material:Checkboard,width:1000,height:10,depth:1000,y:-200,x:0,z:0});
that’s fine. It loads, it displays, but when I do a AABB test using that cube, it reports that the minY is -907.1244586351119 and maxY is 507.12445863511186.. Or more, that’s the parent.. if I do it on the object itself, it seams to get it kinda right but without taking into account the real location. (it comes back as -5,5, which doesn’t take into account that fact it was set as y = -200).
Going through the Cookbook as a reference book on the subject, seams to say this should work (it’s where I got the code for this version of a AABB test) but it doesn’t..
my quick and dirty fix is just checking with the Y’s of the objects for height checking. though as I’m not quite sure, right now, on how to align models inside a box, I have a 3Ds model which I need to take away half the high to get it’s bottom.