Hi Fabrice,
Thanks for your reply.
Please, correct me if im wrong, but getHeight() is a method of Elevation class isn’t it?. If this is right i can’t use it because what i want to do is to create a “Duplex” flat with stairs and another plain surface upstairs.
I decide to use de AwayPhysics motor, and it works so nice! but have a problem. When i “fall” from a plane to another plane, my “character” goes through the second plane ignoring it and falling constantly.
My solution by the moment is warp the character to some point again.
var landMaterial:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0x232323);
landMaterial.lightPicker = _lightPicker;
landMaterial.shadowMethod = new DitheredShadowMapMethod(_light);
landMaterial.shadowMethod.epsilon = 0.13;
var landGeom:CubeGeometry = new CubeGeometry(2000,10,2000);
_land = new Mesh(landGeom,landMaterial);
_landCollision= new AWPCollisionObject(new AWPBoxShape(2000,10,2000),_land);
_landCollision.position= new Vector3D(0,0,0);
var platform:Mesh = new Mesh(new CubeGeometry(500,10,500), landMaterial)
platform.position = new Vector3D(0,500,0);
var platformCollision:AWPCollisionObject = new AWPCollisionObject(new AWPBoxShape(500,10,500),platform);
platformCollision.position = platform.position
And my character:
//POW Mesh
_pow = new Mesh(new CubeGeometry(10,10,10), new ColorMaterial(0xff00ff));
_pow.castsShadows = false;
_fpc = new FirstPersonController(_pow)
var ghost:AWPGhostObject = new AWPGhostObject(new AWPBoxShape(10,10,10),_pow);
_powBody = new AWPKinematicCharacterController(ghost,2);
_powBody.warp( new Vector3D(0,1000,0));
If someone has some idea i will thanks a lot.
No idea is stupid. Don’t hesitate to write something if you think some possible solution