Texturing problem

Software: Away3D 4.x

Apprentice, Jr. Member
Posted: 19 August 2011 08:14 AM   Total Posts: 45

I have a fairly big mesh and noticed some parts of it are untextured. I’ve explored the problem and attempted to narrow it down and ended up with a simple example: one plane consisting of 10.000 quads (100 by 100) with texture coordinates ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 across the plane. See first image (from 3DS Max). Then after exporting it to .obj and loading it into Away3D, I get the result as shown in the second image. It appears that after about 3750 faces the faces are no longer textured. I suspect this is an export issue. I’m not sure what causes it and can’t spend time on it right now, has anyone else seen this before?




Apprentice, Jr. Member
Posted: 19 August 2011 08:15 AM   Total Posts: 45   [ # 1 ]

Second image (as shown in Away3D4):



theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 19 August 2011 08:25 AM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 2 ]

Hmmm, I know it’s best to unwrap your UV’s and then collapse your mesh in 3D Studio before exporting, but in this case I don’t think that would help.
In Darcy’s new demo, http://www.allforthecode.co.uk/away3d/beta2_3D_Model_Test/index.html
the floor texture sometimes disappears for me. It may be that the frustum culling is bit over enthusiastic and if it can’t see the whole plane, it crops the texture. Have you tried viewing your plane from a distance?  Would it make sense to split your texture into 4?



Apprentice, Jr. Member
Posted: 19 August 2011 09:35 AM   Total Posts: 45   [ # 3 ]

In this case it’s a simple plane and UV-coordinates are assigned automatically.
I don’t think it’s frustum culling, it stays the same whether the plane is fully in view or just partly, distance also doesn’t seem to matter.
The texture is 1024x1024 and less than 200KB. This shouldn’t be a problem.
I’m pretty sure it’s a Max3DS OBJ export problem (cause the Away3D LoaderOBJTest example doesn’t seem to have a problem and I’m using pretty much (commented a few lines) the same code for the simple plane).




theMightyAtom, Sr. Member
Posted: 19 August 2011 09:43 AM   Total Posts: 669   [ # 4 ]

Don’t tell me, you’re using Max’es inbuilt obj exporter?
Time to upgrade to one that works!

I found this little gem when I first started with Broomstick. Never had any problems since. And it’s free!



Apprentice, Jr. Member
Posted: 19 August 2011 11:56 AM   Total Posts: 45   [ # 5 ]

(Unfortunately) I already have the gw::OBJ Exporter v0.97b for Max3Ds. Thanks though.

I find the problem arises when I’m not selecting the ‘optimize normals’ in which case there are 60K normals using triangles and 40K using polygons. When I am selecting the ‘optimize normals’ option, there’s only 1 normal (it’s only a simple plane after all) and the rendering is fine. Which makes me think there is some kind of limit.

Back to my original model (not the plane) I’m using the ‘optimize’ options and get 9.5K vertices, 6.7K normals, 2.2K texture coords and 18.3K faces. And I’m getting the same sort of result as with the unoptimized plane (see Image below).

The human head OBJ provided in the Away3D examples (and loaded in LoaderOBJTest) uses the same OBJ exporter version as I do and has 8.8K vertices, 8.8K normals, 8.9K texture coords and 17.6K triangles which is roughly in the same order, but has no such texturing problems.




Qbrain, Member
Posted: 22 August 2011 09:20 AM   Total Posts: 92   [ # 6 ]

sounds like the same problem I (still) have.. Funny thing. When I included the head in the .obj, the texture worked 100%. When I removed the head.obj, the texture was gone again…

strange stuff…

Btw, I am quite sure it has to be in 3DSMax or the object exporter. Still cannot find the real error though..




Apprentice, Jr. Member
Posted: 22 August 2011 10:40 AM   Total Posts: 45   [ # 7 ]

I think I found your problem, I replied to it in your original post http://away3d.com/forum/viewthread/509/

My problem still stands :( (Actually so does yours but at least now you know where it’s coming from)





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