Doesn’t work properly, dae parser cant import animations with bones and animation sets out of the box.
Oh, and faces are flipped by default as a parser function param
Only works on 3D Studio max with limitations on studio version and whats available to export
Exporters are full of bugs, tested Cinema4D, 3Dmax, unreliable for practical purposes.
So the the question is what is the purpose of this away builder if it cant support more formats than actual away 3D library?
If its part of asset assembly pipeline
i assume the steps of asset evolution should be
Any kind of 3D format -> Away builder assembly-> AWD2
for AWD2 to be in any way useful it has to support bug free every single 3D tool with releases of at least last 3 years.
As for Away builder, as it is right now, it doesn’t serve any practical purpose other than visually checking models.
Is Away3D still maintained?