Rigidbody pass through another .. help on 3d physics

Software: Away3D 4.x

Harilal K M, Newbie
Posted: 18 June 2014 12:50 PM   Total Posts: 16

I am developing a 3d game using Augment reality as navigation . Am using away3d and awayphysics + in2ar . My game play is like there will be a box which will catch coockies falling from sky. Am able to create and implement the box and catching but the coockies go through the walls of the box.
Am trying find a solution on net. But couldn’t find any .

Is there any other 3d physics engine i can use instead of awayphysics?

Please help me.


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 18 June 2014 12:58 PM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 1 ]

Before you do try something else, may be adjusting your world.step value might help. Also using a solid mesh instead of a one sided geometry does help prevent these sometimes..


Harilal K M, Newbie
Posted: 18 June 2014 01:02 PM   Total Posts: 16   [ # 2 ]

my fps is 60 and step value is 1.0 / 60 .

i have 2 classes one is Basket and another is biscuit both of them extends ObjectContainer3D .

here is my code to create the box and biscuit.


Is there any impact in the order of creating each elemnt? like after creating mesh create the shape ..


Harilal K M, Newbie
Posted: 19 June 2014 06:57 AM   Total Posts: 16   [ # 3 ]

@ Fabrice Closier can you please help me. Is it the problem of CCD?


Harilal K M, Newbie
Posted: 20 June 2014 05:02 AM   Total Posts: 16   [ # 4 ]
Fabrice Closier - 18 June 2014 12:58 PM

Before you do try something else, may be adjusting your world.step value might help. Also using a solid mesh instead of a one sided geometry does help prevent these sometimes..

tried to change the timestep . But no use :( . what is meant by solid mesh? I didn’t get that..


Fabrice Closier, Administrator
Posted: 20 June 2014 08:19 AM   Total Posts: 1265   [ # 5 ]

The intersections are often based on bounds. A plane for instance has no thickness. so its easy for an object during stepping to be in front and then behind next step: no hit. A solid mesh, aka “water tight”, has thickness, its bound is then automatically bigger. Hence my first reply.
After a tip I’ve used from John Brooks, another factor that sometimes “fixes” missing hits is the scaling of the world, all depends of course at which scale you work. more can be read here: http://www.bulletphysics.org/mediawiki-1.5.8/index.php?title=Scaling_The_World



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